November 30, 2008

The Ugly Sweater Special

For years I've gotten family photos of friends that seem a little all to cheezy. Now don't get me wrong, but my style has never been the normal. So I'm offering this season a chance to turn up the cheese factor to 11.

So for those that are interested I am doing holiday photos with a twist...ugly sweaters. In addition to the the time together of taking these photos, I am asking that you head down with the family to your local Goodwill to pick up the ugliest, cheesiest, and brightest sweaters that only Aunt Gretchen would be jealous of owning.

From there we get together and take some of the highest quality Christmas photos possible with enough cheese to choke a donkey.


Tammie said...

i would like for you to do our christmas photo.....when will you be in town?

Crystal said...

why is there a panda on the Christmas sweater? am i missing something?